Have I ever explained how much I love what I am doing. I think I may have a couple of times, but well.....let me again!!! I LOVE TAKING PICS!!! The people I get to meet and take pics of, the cutie patootie kids, and, and, and. I usually cannot put the camera down, and then 200 - 400 pics later that I have too look thru and decide which are the best - thats not the so much fun part when I have to decide which I like the best.
So here is a long story for you. Jamie - is the mom of these A D O R A B L E kids. She used to be my neighbor growing up until I was about 10 - she was probably 5 when I moved to another house. I was selling stuff on Craigslist last year, and Jamie emailed me and said she wanted to buy my items. We still didnt know the buyer and the seller at that time, until she came and I opened the door and she said - "I think I know you." Me - in my old age - had to think for a minuite - and BAM - the memory came back and it was Jamie from all those years ago!!! What a small small world we live in. That was the coolest thing to me all week, and I still think that it is funny. Anyway, I hoped on Facebook to try to find her, and she saw that I take pictures. She scheduled her kiddos to come here to take their pics. Those kids are just precious!!! Jamies husband is in the marines, and little Tristan just loves on his daddies boots and hat!!! What a riot.
Thanks Jamie for the great morning of spending time with you and your kiddos - I had a BLAST!!!
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